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The Games

So just what exercises in tomfoolery might you see on the night? Here’s a selection of games that we may be playing:


Film/Theatre Styles

The compere calls upon the audience to give him film and theatre styles that their scene can be enacted in (example: Western, Sci-fi, melodramatically). He then gives the contestants a scene to act in (such as two old friends meeting at a supermarket.) During the course of the scene, the compere cuts in with his buzzer and instructs the actors to continue acting the scene but in the different styles suggested by the audience.



The players are given props which then have to construct scenes/gags around. The compere uses his buzzer to switch between gags.


Questions Only

Two contestants enact a scene given by the compere, but can only use questions in their dialogue. If one slips up and puts in a statement, they are replaced with another player.


Party Quirks

Before the show, the audience suggests three different quirks for the players of this game to have (examples: He thinks he’s a robot, She can’t stop humming). When this game is played, one player is acting as host of a party and the other players are guests enacting the quirks assigned by the audience. The “host” must guess what quirks the other players have.


World's Worst

The four players stand on “the world’s worst step” and have to come up with examples of the worst things (example: the world’s worst doctor, the world’s worst TV program). One by one, the players step forward with examples, as the compere buzzes between suggestions.



The compere gives two players a scene, and they must act it out using sentences with successive letters of the alphabet. (Example: Player 1: Are you going to the gym? Player 2: By George, yes! Player 1: Cool).


Remote Control

The compere plays a TV viewer switching between channels. He assigns players a different TV show to act in (example: Star Trek, game show). He assigns the players a topic that the shows are about (example: baldness) and each player must act out the topic in his/her assigned “show.”